Saturday, 24 May 2014

Life In the Fast Lane

At times our hearts are in our mouths.The near misses are many and with seemingly noe rules no give way,just my way.
Today I saw a herd of cattle walking in the middle of heavy traffic it, seems the cows rule the roads, I wast quick enough to capture the excitement.
I have a `snap,  as they say here for photo of a couple on a side street which wasn't so busy.

Arun Prabhus brother  escorted us out of town on his motor bike. He has done a fine job of  looking after us.  
The other morning  Joel and myself  went for a walk we wondering which direction to go next when Arun turned up on his motorbike he took us on his bike , to a driver and Sinnod who has worked in America and Australia so his english is very good , to guide us to a get the things we were looking for.                                  
This  Arun  waving  us goodbye as we head off to Hyderabad.
Vijay and Joseph who both work with Karen in  Australia took us and our bags in two cars.      

Motorbikes, buses, cars, autos efficient( three wheeled yellow trasporters 200cc   are very efficient and carry   many people and  great loads .. Camels, pushbikes ,street stall on wheels, tractors,, scooters and people walking. 

All go to put on a spectacular performance of movement , sight and sound.

God bless
Ian, Karen Joel and Tuiana

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