Sunday, 11 May 2014

At last another blog from Ian and Karen

Looking back at some the pictures I have taken, it is high time I had a bit of a catch up and shared what we have been up to. 

Going back in time to Christmas, which was great, it was lovely having Tuiana Joel and Haley here at Tennant Creek.
We all went over to Brisbane for the New Year with Tuiana coming back to work in the Child Care here over the holidays.

Life continues to be busy here specially for Karen as Clinic mananger at Anyginini Health.

I haver been helping enterrtaing the children when they do health checks in the Park.

I spend time helping at the Uniting Church OP shop . I'm also enjpying entertaining at childrens parties.

A friendly pet at the Op Shop!

In March we had quick trip back to NZ , as Karen went to Wellington for a conference.

We had a couple of days in Nelson getting up early for the Waka  naming before going  down for quick call in at Reefton.

Gavin and Peter here is something that happened here this week
`Are you having a good day?'

That is what the Health Worker asked the Grey Nomad.

Much better than yesterday was the reply, when.....
Here is some of his story.

He  had stopped with the others he and his wife had been travelling with at  a camping rest area .
Their little Sydney Silky ran out running across the red ground , enjoying freedom  from the confines of the caravan.The little grey dog  heading towards the tree on the edge of the parking area.

Suddenly from on high there was a silent swoop and the shadow of Australia's
largest bird of prey with  outstretched talons a  took our little loved dog of ten years from us!
There was nothing I could do, but look in horror, as little Sammy was taken from us.
Gone  to be lunch for a Wedge -tailed Eagle !  It was un believable , but he was gone , it had happened.

In grief I reached up on top of the caravan to wipe the red dust off.( I wasn't in love with the red dirt desert at present. I wanted it clean.
 Pain ran up my arm, I was getting a shock of electricity , it made me call out. 

Gentleman Jack, our travelling neighbour who always tries to be helpful, had a long handled shovel in his hand, about dig a toilet hole.
He turned into a super hero, and swung the shovel at me knocking me down. 
 Yes ,  my collarbone is broken. 

Am I having a good  day ? 

Sure is better than yestday.

 On Thursday we go to India for Prabhu's wedding , we sure have travelled a lot since com ing over here.! We meet  up with Joel and Tuiana in Singapore for a Davidson family adventure.
Next blog Indian stories. 
God Bless
Ian and karen

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your exciting adventures with us. Ian and Karen you are a wonderful interesting happy family x Reanna.
