Monday, 27 February 2012

Karen off to Kiana

Karen off to the Gulf County Today Karen flew to Boroloola where she will meet up with the doctor flying from Alice Springs, from there they will get a single engine plane and fly on to Kiana classed as very remote in the Gulf country . On the last Barkley Mobile run they were unable to land as the airstrip there is too short for the twin-engine plane. At Kiana there is station, a community and a school which haven’t had any health services for quite a while. The Doctor who has been with Karen on a number of trips to the stations in the Barkly said, she has a torch and a stethoscope and left it to Karen to organise things. Robert and I helped at Karen to the plane this morning with 12 bags, of equipment and medicines. Everyone should be well catered for. The computer has been out for a couple of days after a storm put Telstra out for a while. It has been nice getting some rain. Be in touch in a few days. Arohanui Ian and Karen


  1. Hi Karen and Ian,
    Lovely to read your news, sounds exciting but also challenging. Not sure how well we would cope with the heat.
    God bless
    Lyn and John

  2. Hi Karen & Ian,
    Hope you are both well, lovely to read your updates.....jealous much xxx
    Take care
