Monday, 24 October 2011

Top End

Well we are heading to the Top End this morning.
The photo if the numbers change to a picture are when we were in Alice as bag people in the park seems a long time ago.

We the ABs did it! Joel summed in up in the text he sent. Done!

Last week Karen was on the Barkley run around the Stations . She had adventures thunderstorms and having to push the plane onto the hard surface.

She has nearly finished a big Pharmacotherapeutics assignment for Remote Nurses. So it will be good to have all the books and papers put away.

As I said this morning we are heading to the top of Australia. We fly at 9:30 to Borroloola then travel 200km to a settlement on the Robinson River.
We are there for two weeks
Karen will be at a clinic there I will be dodging the croocdiles and looking at the river . There is Barramundi fishing there so I might see a fish.
We are well, the hot is upon us, and season changing going towards the wet though still smoke around from fires.

I enjoyed seeing some of the Solar racers go through Tennant Creek on their 3000km race from Darwin to Adelaide last Monday.
Well I must race and finsh packing. Tuis is home alone at present as Robert is at Elliot for a week.
Ka kite ano
God Bless

Ian Karen and Tuiana
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