Monday, 18 July 2011

Karen Flight Plan

I take this off :BARKLY MOBILE CLINIC FLIGHT ( The Barlky are is larger than N.Z.)
                      18th July to 21s7 July 2011

Doctor for this trip will be Dr. Peter Adams ( He is from Wellington)
The nurse will be Karen Davidson

Day 1 Monday 18th
Depart Tennant Creek Airport approx 10:30am
Arrive Soudan Station
Depart go to Alexandria Station
for afternoon clinic
Overnight stay for Dr. Nurse and Pilot

Tuesday ( I am abbreviating things)
Early morning clinic if required at Alexandria Station
Fly to Mittebah
Depart midday
Fly to Benmara
Depart approx 2;30
Fly to Brunette Downs for afternoon clinic and stay the night Dr. Nurse and Pilot

early morning clinic if required at Burunette Downs
9am fly  to Eva Downs
Depart 12pm for Walhallow for afternoon clinic
Depart 3:30 fly to Anthony Lagoon
Stay overnight Dr. Nurse and Pilot

Early morning clinic if required at Anthony Lagoon
fly back to Tennant Creek

That should keep Karen busy most of this week. She practiced on me using the heart machine on Saturday night to make sure it was working as she had ordered new electrodes.. It seems my heart is working ,so is the machine.
Karen had had a busy weekend and Friday night doing a midwifery course. She passed the exam at the hospital on Sunday afternoon.
This afternoon I'm going out with Robert to see someone who lives out of town ,who is not in a good state of mind.  Robert wants someone else to be with him.
On Saturday afteroon I biked with Tuianana  out to Maryanne dam. It was a good ride with Tuiana but she had a bumpy ride home as one tyre went flat. I bought a pump today and am about to go looking in town for  at tube.( A Dr. who was here doing the health checks with Karen has lent us two bikes she said we can use them.)
The montage of photos on the last blog  meant to say the Reefton Mob  the stick people bringing some life to our rock lawn.
I have a story on lost and found things I will share next blog and perhaps a soap offering seeing I never expected to get them back. ( I will explain the soap )
God bless you.
Ian Karen and Tuiana

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