Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Oops another Singapore Supprise

The  magnificant masked Mrs D was enjoying a gondla ride and  sit down at Starbucks when the thought came we missed our 12.30am flight this morning !

Which meant we miss our ride back to Tennant Creek with Vijay.

Karen did a wonderful job on an intermittent email connection.  Jetstar and Tiger teed up, and we are  heading  back, long way home via Melbourne, Alice Springs and we have yet to find how we will get from Alice to Tennant Creek.

Our journeys are never dull.
White knuckles not showing!

Goodbye Lion of Singapore.
Australia we are on our way.

God Bless
Ian and Karen 

Monday, 2 June 2014

Singapore Surprise !

Yesterday we said goodbye to Joel and Tuianana heading back to New Zealand.

We had a cup of tea and were just  snoozing off when the hotel phone rang. 

" Mr Davidson, therre is some  lost property we would like you to look at."

On my way to the lobby I thought I must have lost my hat.

There in the lobby were Joel and Tuiana laughing with their bags. They had gone to the airport to find out they had another day in Singapore. 

We have had the bonus of them being here for another day.
We enjoyed going out to dinner at a Kiwi' themed resturant. 

God bless

Ian,Karen, Joel and Tuiana