Saturday, 12 October 2013

I Love Paris in the Autumn...

It is telling us winter is on its way and like the birds we are off away down under to sun and the Central Desert.

We thought we had two nights in Paris it is not to be, we had an email this afternoon from Emirates Airline to say we fly tomorrow .
So after five weeks of  travel we turn towards where our home is at present.

We return with our memory banks fill, stories to tell.  Most of all meeting up-with family and friends along the way has been very very special.

Here are some Autumn nights Paris pictures.

As always

 Arohanui and God bless you greatly .

Ian and Karen Davidson


Friday, 11 October 2013

Bobbies on by circles....

Well I did see two on horses and two minding  Parliament.
Yes Westminster Abbey and the Tower of Big Ben is still here

We appreciated Phil and Julia coming and meeting us helping us with further initiation of the Underground and London.
 A wosh, and a roar and  we would be off on a noisy,rattling, shaking ,underground moving experience.

Mick and Lisa had said leave our manners behind and just go for it. Karen was a bit slow at one station and I had just got on and the door was shutting so I put my arm out! Ow!! the door shut on it!! Fortunately it opened again , Karen jumped on and we we off.    

I think we have seen or been to every Monopoly name. 
arty and 
It was great going with Phil around the University of Arts London which he had a big hand in building.

A Lot of people would come up and acknowledge him , what a massive project and what a wonderful historical, up to date place for the arts to thrive.

Well I will let some pictures speak. 
I liked the herbs outside the restaurant, the ping pong tables, and the many other miracles which have been worked out an old   granary site to an exciting place student  compete to attend.

 Off to France in the morning .


God bless,
Ian and Karen Davidson
Ps went to Lion KIng

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover

Actually we didn't see any  blue birds,however we did sing the song on our way to Dover .

Iconic names and places have come alive Canterbury Cathedral , Sandwich the Grand Old Duke of York..and of course the white cliffs of Dover,and Dover Castle.

Staying with Lisa ,Mick and  Chloe has been great lots of laughter and local knowledge giving us a inside information of what to see.
Our base has been the village of Aylesham, like Reefton and Tennant Creek a mining town where people in the community are known to each other.  We have felt very much at home here.

The size and history of Canterbury  Cathedral the organ music and pealing bells the high roof and looking out seeing the stories told in  stained glass.

Hearing that they were all taken out during the war and put in a coal mine for safe keeping. Men on the roof to throw the incendiary bombs to the ground . A railway line put into the cathedral to fill the insides with earth to protect it from shockwaves if bomb landed. 
It felt like a special place I even saw that one the Bishops buried there was a Davidson.
I 'll finish this now as we off in a tube??!! To London Town!
Here are some recent pics
God bless
Ian and Karen


Sunday, 6 October 2013

'England Swings Like a Pendulum Do'

Haven't seen the Bobbies yet!

I did however had some duct tape off me by Irish customs as we left from Cork.
I had used it  to patch a travel worn suitcase.  They thought I might tie someone up! 
The rope I use for magic tricks was beside it ,they were not worried about !

What a wonderful welcome In England from Lisa and Mick at the airport . We were looking to go through customs instead  there was a yell from Lisa and great hugs and kisses.
Some of their family and friends around at their house for a  joyful greetings welcoming us last night. 
There was  the great All Black ,Springboks battle on the tv . Great!

We are in a village set in the  beautiful Canterbury countryside not far from Dover we are off to visit the Cathedral today.

God bless
Ian and Karen Davidson


Some pictures from the walls of Cork. 
off to UK 

God bless
Ian and Karen Davidson

Friday, 4 October 2013

Heart of my heart !

'Heart of my heart.' 
That is what a group of singers' sang to us when Karen asked are you going to sing to us and they did in the restaurant last night here inWaterford.

I had nice little balloon heart to give them .

The European championship of Barber Shop singers is being held here this weekend.

Waterford pics coming up . I didn't realise the Vikings used to hang out here.

Sorry Joel some pirate's stole the cannons!

Soon of to Cork. 

God bless Arohanui 
Ian and Karen