A Christmas Note from the Davidsons
Christmas makes us think of other Christmas’s and celebrations, each one special.
We were remembering how Joel had a line in a Christmas play. ‘Out the back!’
The line of the Inn keeper which he delivered to tired travelers and excited shepherds,
‘Out the back!’
Out the back, was where it was all happening, God becoming Man, Jesus being born, the A& Z who writes celebration into our lives.
Out the back is where it has been happening for us.
Karen flying many, many miles to isolated cattle Stations to hold clinics.
In Tennant Creek I have enjoyed helping teaching circus skills at Youth Linx, being involved in the Desert Harmony Celebration and Ukulele group plus working in the Op Shop and taking occasional church services.
Karen is the pianist at church, and plays in the Ukulele group and manages the Op shop, in Tennant Creek weekends always seem busy.
Out the back a lot happens and God shows up in many disguises.
We shouldn’t be surprised, for one of his many names is Immanuel , God with us. .
We are going home to NZ for Christmas with very flexible plans. ‘Just get here! ‘ Was the word we received from the Reefton Roughie.
Joel and Tuiana will be with us. Tuiana is settling back to life in NZ living in Nelson.
Karen has settled in quickly to her new job at Aniginini Aboriginal Health Corporation . In the New Year she will be off to some of the out the back clinics, helping them improve their service. She has already been down to a couple of clinics out from Alice to learn the ropes.
We a have a, new Indian Son Prabhu living with us, and enjoying Robert and Michael living close by.
This note comes with our best wishes and prayers for you that Christmas will be great and you will enjoy God’s gift in the coming year.
For us a child is born,
for us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulders
and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
Ian, Karen Joel Tuiana & Prabhu