Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas letter 2014

I joke that Karen has a big whiteboard at home where my daily instructions are posted.  It is not true, there isn't one, though the  other day she said,"How about writing a Christmas letter."
A report on the year  is a chance for some who only hear from us  occasionally
 to catch up and know how the outback wanderers are still journeying.

Someone said recently,  part of you dies when you travel,
 as you leave the familiar and lose the support and stability of a known community.  

It is true, yet our community is turning into a global village,  just think  of where Karen works at the Anyinginyi Aboriginal Health Corporation where she is clinic manager.
Some of the people working there are, Aboriginal, Irish, American, Australian ,New Zealand, Fillpnos, Indians, Russian, Vietnamese and Hungarian.
Daily she is the catalyst to make sure things work and those attending the clinic get a wonderful service. 
 Her negotiating skills  are often maxed out   keeping people focused ,their ego's in the background  while she balances a diverse workforce of Nurses , Doctors, Dentist, Physio, Drivers and Cleaners into a team providing for some very sick people. 

A highlight for us this year was attending Prabhu and Neetha's wedding at Mahubnagar out from Hyderabad.
A wonderful occasion with all the colour, crowds ,ceremony and celebration. A great privilege to be part of as a family.
There was the big lesson of being on the receiving end of giving. Clothes bought for us accommodation and travel paid for, while we were  guests  in India, a humbling experience of unconditional love which went many second miles.
  One of the hard things of being away from  home,  is not being able in person to attend and honour  the  lives  at the deaths of significant people in our lives.
     Frances Hunter and Clare Dempster were  two amazing women who have been part of our lives , we thank God for them. 
We are glad that Tuiana was able to attend their funerals and speak on our behalf.  
Tuiana next year will be in the final year of her Teaching degree of Early Childhood Education. 
Joel continues working with Haley for the Multi Media company in  Auckland. He has been doing some filming in surgery techniques being live streamed  overseas. 

 This year I have been able to carry the bags for Karen as she attended meetings and conferences in Alice Springs and  Darwin a number of times , and even one in Wellington NZ.
Somebody has said to Karen, " If he dies can I have his job..!"

I  enjoy cooking and these days, the banjo,ukulele and small pipes get a work out most days.
Karen's father Ernie down in South Westland  once asked Arawata Bill if he could play the mouth organ he carried. He replied,
"I just blow, and I blow.!"
My music is a bit like that I just have a go.

I wrote a Christmas song which I have shared with the Sports and Recreation after school programme , getting the kids to act it out, I have also shared it with the Uniting Church and the Aboriginal Church , Carols in the Park  (Karen and Neetha playing Ukelele with me ) and Primary school assembly.

Christmas is Mary and Joseph ...and a  little baby
the Christmas story is told, the last verse says,
The baby's name is Immanuel God is with us.

God is with us, as as we say goodbye to this year, and step with confidence into the next.

As the old song says....
Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
I know who holds tomorrow
And I know he holds my hand 

Merry Christmas
God bless
Ian, Karen, Joel and Tuiana

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Oops another Singapore Supprise

The  magnificant masked Mrs D was enjoying a gondla ride and  sit down at Starbucks when the thought came we missed our 12.30am flight this morning !

Which meant we miss our ride back to Tennant Creek with Vijay.

Karen did a wonderful job on an intermittent email connection.  Jetstar and Tiger teed up, and we are  heading  back, long way home via Melbourne, Alice Springs and we have yet to find how we will get from Alice to Tennant Creek.

Our journeys are never dull.
White knuckles not showing!

Goodbye Lion of Singapore.
Australia we are on our way.

God Bless
Ian and Karen 

Monday, 2 June 2014

Singapore Surprise !

Yesterday we said goodbye to Joel and Tuianana heading back to New Zealand.

We had a cup of tea and were just  snoozing off when the hotel phone rang. 

" Mr Davidson, therre is some  lost property we would like you to look at."

On my way to the lobby I thought I must have lost my hat.

There in the lobby were Joel and Tuiana laughing with their bags. They had gone to the airport to find out they had another day in Singapore. 

We have had the bonus of them being here for another day.
We enjoyed going out to dinner at a Kiwi' themed resturant. 

God bless

Ian,Karen, Joel and Tuiana

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Reflection and goodbye for now India


Our going to India was because of a relationship with Prahbu Kiran who we took into our lives when he had nowhere to live for a few months
This has now led to other relationships and friendship with his large family here.

Karen's brother Robert is a friend of Premod who has looked after since our arrival in Kerala. We knew him briefly before coming here, yet he has taken and blessed us with hospitality, love and generosity, providing  for  us in  many many ways.

I guess what I am trying to say is that we never know where the investment of  what we say, and do will lead us. 
 Into worlds we would never have gone without it.

Jesus talked a lot about the Kingdom of God or the rule of God,or the way  God works is like....
It seems we have experienced something of this.

 There have been a lot of special moments while being here , the four Tumeric ceremonies, the wedding, an engagement. Plus plus plus.

Magical Memories : sitting drinking tea on the house boat  and two kids  on the bank with a spear  catching their breakfast, freshwater crayfish.
Magical memories : Ikshejavadi the elephant,  also the wild elephants.          
Lotus flowers and a farmer washing his cow.

Magical moment: the smell  of the jasmine in  the garlands we were given. Seeing it worn in the hair, when it was given  to Karen and Tuiana to wear.
Colourful people who live with so little, colourful trucks and three wheeled autos.

Travel: Initially  I thought there were no road rules however, road negotiation does take place.  There is a whole language of honk, I'm here, I'm passing, honk, thanks, honk give me space., honk, I'm coming through.

At night, all that seemed to be done with high-beam low beam light  flashing communication.

Karen after watching the traffic, decided the space in the middle is negotiable,so driving down the middle towards oncoming traffic is ok.

A bit like life we are heading somewhere, lets  all move dodge around,negotiate and  keep moving to our destination.

Thank you India for welcoming us it was hot and spicy and exciting and magical. It is a great country on the move , sure there is poverty and things which are changing, they are getting on and doing it.

There was a lot for us learn. 

God bless,
Ian, Ksaren , Joel and Tuiana

Elephants,Election and Excitement

 After landing at Kochi ariport we headed for the hill country, tiger country elephant country a day and most of a night travelling with Pramud and five minders.  
One who we called ' Blue Shiirt', a man from elelphant country who could speak the language of those in forest.
It was an exciting trip through the evening  towns and people living by the road all the way.  Always something  to see.
that day the  new Prime Ministers  Narencdra Modi was sworn so there were a lot  of celebrations' the roads . Loud speakers on trucks motor bikes  doing `wheelies' singing and dancing.

We are sad to be leaving today .

God bless 
Ian ,Karen ,Joel, and Tuiana

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Engagement Celebration & Market Madness

Joseph who works with Karen and drove Tuian and Joel to Hyderabad, invited us to his sister Joy,  and Vikas her boyfriend,engagement celebration on  Saturday.
I thought it woulbe just a small gathering but in a cikty of six million nothing is small. Half of the large Weslyan church was full pluss the paparatzi of photographers.
Part way through the three hour service of affirmation  of each of the families and Vikas and Joy gifts were given and when the  couple went to get changed. 
Hymns were sung and people got up and sang. Joseph asked us to sing so `Von Davidson Family Singers', sang ` Light of the World'.which was well recieved.

Joel played the guitar which the music leader handed to him. 

When we farwelled Prabhu's family we sang as family in  Maori, that too was appreciated as we have grown very close during the past week. Their hospitality, friendship,warmth and love has been very special.  

Viijay,Karen and Joseph the Anyginini Mob.

Spot Tuiana and Joel crossing the road in market area Hyderabad.
Never a dull moment here what privilge to experience this here we are truly blessed.

God bless

Ian, Karen, Joel and Tuiana